So much for less blogging more sewing in 2013 but with a world of creative folk out there with similar interests I thought I’d try something a little different, and link up with Emily’s new linky party, Sew Thinky Thursday. She asks a sewing related question, and everyone gets to know each other better by answering. You can read more about it here.
When did you start sewing? Tell us a bit about your sewing history. When did you realize you were really hooked?
I started sewing at a very young age, my Mum is a really good sewer and made lots of our clothes when we were little. My favourite piece of clothing was a patchwork skirt she made for my 8th birthday party. I received a hand Singer sewing machine and started to make basic things for my dolls and bears. I did sewing classes all through school, it was my favourite subject. I still have the Singer and am teaching my Lucy how to sew on it. Cold winter Sundays will be spent teaching her sewing skills.
I have always made things from chair covers to cushions, even a wedding dress but I spend a lot of my sewing time making quilts now and I am pretty addicted to scouring shops for beautiful fabrics and find it hard to finish one project before starting another. I enjoy making rabbit toys and bits and pieces for our home like Cushions. I also really love hand sewing so doing the binding on my quilts is the best bit - apart from buying the fabric.
I am lucky to have a best friend that also shares my passion for quilting and fabric shopping. We spend as much time as we can sewing together. My only wish is to have more time to sew. Do you think they would mind at work if I set up a sewing area on my desk to get creative at lunch time?
My latest most enjoyable thing to do is to make something that has sewing and hand stitching - mix it up I say !
Great post! I love the mention of wanting to sew on your lunch break! I have done hand sewing from time to time on my lunch breaks... great conversation starters!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up - I hope you'll join us again next week!