Oct 16, 2010

Crochet - A New Skill

I finally learnt how to crochet yesterday with a fabulous lady, Danielle who is one of the craftiest people I have met in ages, she has a lot of projects on the go and I am envious of her liberty stash. It was a lovely morning at Calico&Ivy and I croched my first Granny Square. I think this one took me an hour and I purchase some beautiful cottons to have a go at home. I think I need more lessons. It is trickier than it looks and I have to really concentrate, but I love it. It could become a new passion, especially for our trip away next year, as I cant take my sewing machine I needed a few things to take with me. Lots of hand stitching and my new crochet hook will be packed in my bag of goodies to keep me occupied at night.

1 comment:

  1. you were a great student and picked it up SO quickly - obviously - as you are a fellow crafter x


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