May 19, 2012

Liberty & Flowers

I had a lovely few hours with a friend today visiting Calico&Ivy and then wandering the shops in Napoleon Street, Cottesloe. I was lucky enough to stumble on a closing down sale at Plane Tree Farm and found some cute little vases that were 50% off. They are perfect for the small roses and gardenias from my garden.

I bought more Liberty from Calico&Ivy for my new quilt that is in very slow progress and chatted with the lovely Danielle about crocheting and renovating. Danielle has a real talent for crocheting and teaches the art of crocheting . I am slightly envious of having such a nice job, however if I worked there I am sure my wages would go before I walked out the door.

On the way home we visited Materalise as Sophie has a fantastic box of scraps that my friend was after to complete her hoop appliqué projects.

Now... onto those projects.